1 Introduction
The Crystal DSP board (hereafter referred to as the DSP board) replaces the Motorola DSP board in the Citation 5.0 as the digital decoder. It is used in the Signature 2.0 and Festival 100 also. The DSP board currently supports: � Dolby Digital (supported only as compressed digital inputs) � �Coaxial� (or good quality audio cable) SPDIF inputs from four phono jacks. � TOSLINK (optical) SPDIF inputs from two TOSLINK receiver inputs. � DTS (supported only as compressed digital inputs) � �Coaxial� (or good quality audio cable) SPDIF inputs from four phono jacks. � TOSLINK (optical) SPDIF inputs from two TOSLINK receiver inputs. � Pro Logic (supported by digital PCM inputs or analog inputs) � �Coaxial� (or good quality audio cable) SPDIF inputs from four phono jacks. � TOSLINK (optical) PCM inputs from two TOSLINK receiver inputs. � Stereo and Monaural (supported by digital PCM inputs or analog inputs) � �Coaxial� (or good quality audio cable) PCM inputs from four phono jacks. � TOSLINK (optical) PCM inputs from two TOSLINK receiver inputs. � Special effects modes (i.e., MOVIE 1-4 and MUSIC 1-4) Citation 5.0 does not provide analog inputs to the DSP BOARD. Signature 2.0 and Festival 100 products support analog inputs to the DSP board. Future support of new modes is possible (e.g., Logic 7) with a Crystal DSP board PROM and 80C251 CPU PROM. THX support is possible with a PROM upgrade and the addition of a plug-on expansion DSP board module. The expansion DSP board module support is designed into the current DSP board design.